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For Attorneys


BAP Local Rule 9010-1, Entry of Appearance and Admission to Practice provides as follows:

(a) Notice of Appearance. An attorney who represents a party in an appeal, and who is not identified in the notice of appeal or a notice of substitution of attorney, shall immediately file and serve a notice of appearance containing the attorney’s name, address, telephone number, bar number, and facsimile number.

(b) Appearance. Notwithstanding the previous subsection, an attorney who authorizes his or her name to appear on any pleading filed with the BAP has entered an appearance.

(c) Withdrawal and Substitution. An attorney who has entered an appearance may not withdraw without either:

     (1) filing and serving a Notice of Substitution of Attorney. The notice shall contain substitute counsel’s name, bar number, address, telephone number, facsimile number, and signature; or

     (2) obtaining an order of the Panel allowing the attorney to withdraw. The Panel may grant such an order if an attorney files and serves on opposing counsel and the attorney’s client a motion to withdraw as counsel. Any motion to withdraw shall include the client’s current address and telephone number. Where an attorney appeared on behalf of a corporation, the motion to withdraw will be considered in conjunction with 1st Cir. BAP L.R. 9010-2.

(d) Admission. An attorney is admitted to practice before the BAP if the attorney is:

     (1) admitted to practice by and a member in good standing of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit;

     (2) admitted to practice by and a member in good standing of a United States District Court within the First Circuit; or

     (3) admitted to practice by a United States Bankruptcy Court in the case or proceeding on appeal.

(e) Pro Hac Vice. Any attorney not admitted to practice by the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, a United States District Court within the First Circuit, or a United States Bankruptcy Court in the case or proceeding on appeal may, upon a motion, appear and practice before the BAP in a particular action at the BAP’s discretion. All such motions shall have attached a supporting affidavit containing the following:

     (1) the attorney’s address, telephone number, and facsimile number;

     (2) a listing of the court(s) to which the attorney has been admitted to practice and the date(s) of admission;

     (3) a statement that the attorney is in good standing and eligible to practice in the court(s);

     (4) a statement that the attorney is not currently suspended or disbarred in any jurisdiction;

     (5) a statement describing the nature and status of any pending disciplinary matters involving the attorney; and

     (6) a statement that the attorney is familiar with the requirements of Rule VIII of the Rules of Attorney Disciplinary Enforcement for the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, made applicable through 1st Cir. BAP L.R. 8018-1.